Command 'verify-file'

Verifies your configuration file with optional paramters to encrypt your passwords.

Aruments and Options

pathargumentPath to the server configuration file to be used (Required)
encriptargumentEncrypts the passwords in the config file and overwrites it. Accepts 'true' or 'false'.
-poptionOptional parameter for encrypt to specify the path and file name of the encrypted file.

Verify a configuration file

bases verify-file "e:\My Samples\my-server.yaml"

Verify a configuration file and encrypt the passwords

bases verify-file "e:\My Samples\my-server.yaml" true 

Verify a configuration file and encrypt the passwords into a new file

bases verify-file "e:\My Samples\my-server.yaml" true -p "e:\My Samples\my-server-encrypted.yaml"

Password Security:

The bases cli uses a simple encryption algorithm to secure your passwords. This means that your passwords are not stored in plain text and are only accessible to the bases cli. This is a security measure to protect your passwords and ensure that they are not exposed to unauthorized users and means that you can store these configuration files and reuse them. Learn more about password security