OnBase Configuration

Configuring The OnBase Configuration module.


ModuleNamestringThe value can be 'OnBase Configuration' or 'OnBaseConfiguration', for the cli to recognize the module.
PackagePathstringThe path to the OnBase Configuration installer.
LogPathstringSpecifying a path here will add the /lp! argument and this path to the msi installer.
ConfigurationFeatureobjectThe Configuration feature is the main feature for this installer and is required.
QuietboolSetting this to 'true' will run the installer in quiet mode, no UI, no human intervention needed.
AdditionalArgsstringIf you're an advanced user, you can specify additional arguments to pass to the installer. See Microsoft's MSI documentation for more information.
- ModuleName: OnBase Configuration
  PackagePath: E:\Installs\OnBase Configuration\Hyland OnBase Configuration.msi
  LogPath: E:\Installs\OnBase Configuration\Hyland OnBase Configuration.log
    DataSource: OnBase
    CommandLine: -ROMANZO -DGTAPPLY
    SystemOdbc: true
    CreateDesktopShortcuts: true
    CreateMenuShortcuts: true
    FeatureName: OnBaseConfig
    InstallPath: E:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\OnBase Configuration
  Quiet: true